- SCG Foundation, in collaboration with SCGP, won the National Innovation Award of 2023 in the Social and Environmental Contribution category with “Mobile Paper Bed Innovation for Medical Units”. The event was hosted by the National Innovation Agency.
- SCGP won 3 awards which were “Outstanding CEO Awards”, “Outstanding CFO Awards”, and “Outstanding Investor Relations Awards” in the category of industrial products in IAA Awards for Listed Companies 2022. The event was hosted by the Investment Analysts Association.
- SCGP won “Outstanding in Corporate Governance Awards” from business adherence to corporate governance. The event was hosted by the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce.
- SCGP won “Thailand Energy Awards” from the innovative waste-to-energy combustor. The event was hosted by Minister of Energy.
- SCGP achieved the “Business Excellence Awards” in the category of Best Innovative Company Awards from “Detect Odor Monitoring”, an innovative and comprehensive odor monitoring system from SET Awards 2023 hosted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand for the 2nd consecutive year.