SCG Packaging provides and complies with the policy to govern and manage subsidiaries and affiliates operating core businesses under the Corporate Governance Policy in writing
While promoting and encouraging all staff to strictly uphold and comply with the company's policies including Anti-Corruption Policy, Whistleblowing Policy or Insider Information Management and IT Governance Policy. The Company shall ensure that those policies are efficiently practiced to affirm accountability and fairness to all stakeholders. This involves overseeing and developing Corporate Governance of the company to keep it consistent with international standards to provide guidelines for business operations while monitoring compliance and being a role model in adhering to the principles of good Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct.
Corporate Governance Policies and Guidelines of SCG Packaging
SCG Packaging operates its business with responsibility, transparency, and fairness, which have been practiced consistently based on balanced and sustainable interest and adjusted to reflect economic and social changes based on balanced and sustainable growth.